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This is a support script, to subsample a genlight {adegenet} object based on loci. Two methods are used to subsample, random and based on information content.


gl.subsample.loci(x, n, method = "random", mono.rm = FALSE, verbose = NULL)



Name of the genlight object containing the SNP or presence/absence (SilicoDArT) data [required].


Number of loci to include in the subsample [required].


Method: 'random', in which case the loci are sampled at random; or 'pic', in which case the top n loci ranked on information content are chosen. Information content is stored in AvgPIC in the case of SNP data and in PIC in the the case of presence/absence (SilicoDArT) data [default 'random'].


Delete monomorphic loci before sampling [default FALSE].


Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2, progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report [default 2 or as specified using gl.set.verbosity].


A genlight object with n loci


Custodian: Luis Mijangos -- Post to


# SNP data
  gl2 <- gl.subsample.loci(, n=200, method='pic')
#> Starting gl.subsample.loci 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Warning: Dataset contains monomorphic loci which will be included in the gl.subsample.loci selections
#> Completed: gl.subsample.loci 
# Tag P/A data
  gl2 <- gl.subsample.loci(, n=100, method='random')
#> Starting gl.subsample.loci 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Warning: Dataset contains monomorphic loci which will be included in the gl.subsample.loci selections
#>   Subsampling at random 100 loci from genlight object 
#> Completed: gl.subsample.loci 