Converts a genlight object to format suitable to be run with Coancestry
The output txt file contains the SNP data and an additional column with the names of the individual. The file then can be used and loaded into coancestry or - if installed - run with the related package. Be aware the related package was crashing in previous versions, but in general is using the same code as coancestry and therefore should have identical results. Also running coancestry with thousands of SNPs via the GUI seems to be not reliable and therefore for comparisons between coancestry and related we suggest to use the command line version of coancestry.
outfile = "related.txt",
outpath = tempdir(),
save = TRUE,
verbose = NULL
- x
Name of the genlight object containing the SNP data [required].
- outfile
File name of the output file (including extension) [default 'related.txt'].
- outpath
Path where to save the output file [default tempdir()].
- save
A switch if you want to save the file or not. This might be useful for someone who wants to use the coancestry function to calculate relatedness and not export to coancestry. See the example below [default TRUE].
- verbose
Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2, progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report [default 2, unless specified using gl.set.verbosity].
Jack Pew, Jinliang Wang, Paul Muir and Tim Frasier (2014). related: related: an R package for analyzing pairwise relatedness data based on codominant molecular markers. R package version 0.8/r2.
Bernd Gruber (bugs? Post to
gtd <- gl2related([1:10,1:20], save=FALSE)
#> Starting gl2related
#> Processing genlight object with SNP data
#> Completed: gl2related
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
##running with the related package
#install.packages('related', repos='')
coan <- coancestry(gtd, wang=1)
##check ?coancestry for information how to use the function.
} # }