Converts a DArT file (read via read.dart
) into an
genlight object adegenet
. Internal function called by
ind.metafile = NULL,
covfilename = NULL,
probar = TRUE,
verbose = NULL
- dart
A dart object created via read.dart [required].
- ind.metafile
Optional file in csv format with metadata for each individual (see details for explanation) [default NULL].
- covfilename
Depreciated, use parameter ind.metafile.
- probar
Show progress bar [default TRUE].
- verbose
Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2, progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report [default NULL].
A genlight object. Including all available slots are filled. loc.names, ind.names, pop, lat, lon (if provided via the ind.metadata file)
The ind.metadata file needs to have very specific headings. First a heading
called id. Here the ids have to match the ids in the dart object
. The following column headings are optional.
pop: specifies the population membership of each individual. lat and lon
specify spatial coordinates (in decimal degrees WGS1984 format). Additional
columns with individual metadata can be imported (e.g. age, gender).