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SNP datasets generated by DArT have an index, RepAvg, generated by reproducing the data independently for 30 of alleles that give a repeatable result, averaged over both alleles for each locus.

SilicoDArT datasets generated by DArT have a similar index, Reproducibility. For these fragment presence/absence data, repeatability is the percentage of scores that are repeated in the technical replicate dataset.


  threshold = 0.99,
  plot.out = TRUE,
  plot_theme = theme_dartR(),
  plot_colors = two_colors,
  save2tmp = FALSE,
  verbose = NULL



Name of the genlight object containing the SNP data [required].


Threshold value below which loci will be removed [default 0.99].


If TRUE, displays a plots of the distribution of reproducibility values before and after filtering [default TRUE].


Theme for the plot [default theme_dartR()].


List of two color names for the borders and fill of the plots [default two_colors].


If TRUE, saves any ggplots and listings to the session temporary directory (tempdir) [default FALSE].


Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2, progress log ; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report [default 2, unless specified using gl.set.verbosity].


Returns a genlight object retaining loci with repeatability (Repavg or Reproducibility) greater than the specified threshold.


Custodian: Arthur Georges -- Post to


 # \donttest{
# SNP data
#> Starting 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Reporting Repeatability by Locus
#>   No. of loci = 255 
#>   No. of individuals = 250 
#>     Minimum      :  0.959459 
#>     1st quartile :  1 
#>     Median       :  1 
#>     Mean         :  0.9981525 
#>     3r quartile  :  1 
#>     Maximum      :  1 
#>     Missing Rate Overall:  0.12 

#>    Quantile Threshold Retained Percent Filtered Percent
#> 1      100%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 2       95%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 3       90%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 4       85%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 5       80%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 6       75%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 7       70%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 8       65%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 9       60%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 10      55%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 11      50%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 12      45%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 13      40%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 14      35%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 15      30%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 16      25%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 17      20%  1.000000      214    83.9       41    16.1
#> 18      15%  0.997674      217    85.1       38    14.9
#> 19      10%  0.994536      230    90.2       25     9.8
#> 20       5%  0.984694      243    95.3       12     4.7
#> 21       0%  0.959459      255   100.0        0     0.0
#> Completed: 
  result <- gl.filter.reproducibility(, threshold=0.99, verbose=3)
#> Starting gl.filter.reproducibility 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Removing loci with repeatability less than 0.99 

#>   Summary of filtered dataset
#>     Retaining loci with repeatability >= 0.99 
#>     Original no. of loci: 255 
#>     No. of loci discarded: 14 
#>     No. of loci retained: 241 
#>     No. of individuals: 250 
#>     No. of populations:  30 
#> Completed: gl.filter.reproducibility 
# Tag P/A data
#> Starting 
#>   Processing genlight object with Presence/Absence (SilicoDArT) data
#>   Reporting Repeatability by Locus
#>   No. of loci = 255 
#>   No. of individuals = 218 
#>     Minimum      :  0.952941 
#>     1st quartile :  1 
#>     Median       :  1 
#>     Mean         :  0.9983001 
#>     3r quartile  :  1 
#>     Maximum      :  1 
#>     Missing Rate Overall:  0.04 

#>    Quantile Threshold Retained Percent Filtered Percent
#> 1      100%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 2       95%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 3       90%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 4       85%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 5       80%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 6       75%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 7       70%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 8       65%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 9       60%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 10      55%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 11      50%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 12      45%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 13      40%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 14      35%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 15      30%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 16      25%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 17      20%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 18      15%  1.000000      228    89.4       27    10.6
#> 19      10%  0.995745      230    90.2       25     9.8
#> 20       5%  0.986607      243    95.3       12     4.7
#> 21       0%  0.952941      255   100.0        0     0.0
#> Completed: 
  result <- gl.filter.reproducibility(, threshold=0.99)
#> Starting gl.filter.reproducibility 
#>   Processing genlight object with Presence/Absence (SilicoDArT) data
#>   Removing loci with repeatability less than 0.99 

#> Completed: gl.filter.reproducibility 
  # }
  test <- gl.subsample.loci(,n=100)
#> Starting gl.subsample.loci 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Warning: data include loci that are scored NA across all individuals.
#>   Consider filtering using gl <- gl.filter.allna(gl)
#>   Warning: Dataset contains monomorphic loci which will be included in the gl.subsample.loci selections
#>   Subsampling at random 100 loci from genlight object 
#> Completed: gl.subsample.loci 
  res <- gl.filter.reproducibility(test)
#> Starting gl.filter.reproducibility 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Warning: data include loci that are scored NA across all individuals.
#>   Consider filtering using gl <- gl.filter.allna(gl)
#>   Removing loci with repeatability less than 0.99 

#> Completed: gl.filter.reproducibility 