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SNP datasets generated by DArT typically have sequence tag lengths ranging from 20 to 69 base pairs.


gl.filter.taglength(x, lower = 20, upper = 69, verbose = NULL)



Name of the genlight object containing the SNP data [required].


Lower threshold value below which loci will be removed [default 20].


Upper threshold value above which loci will be removed [default 69].


Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2, progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report [default 2, unless specified using gl.set.verbosity].


Returns a genlight object retaining loci with a sequence tag length in the range specified by the lower and upper threshold.


Custodian: Arthur Georges -- Post to


 # \donttest{
# SNP data
#> Starting 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Reporting Tag Length
#>   No. of loci = 255 
#>   No. of individuals = 250 
#>     Minimum      :  20 
#>     1st quantile :  63 
#>     Median       :  69 
#>     Mean         :  60.70196 
#>     3r quantile  :  69 
#>     Maximum      :  69 
#>     Missing Rate Overall:  0.12 

#>    Quantile Threshold Retained Percent Filtered Percent
#> 1      100%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 2       95%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 3       90%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 4       85%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 5       80%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 6       75%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 7       70%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 8       65%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 9       60%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 10      55%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 11      50%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 12      45%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 13      40%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 14      35%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 15      30%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 16      25%        63      194    76.1       61    23.9
#> 17      20%        46      207    81.2       48    18.8
#> 18      15%        37      217    85.1       38    14.9
#> 19      10%        30      230    90.2       25     9.8
#> 20       5%        26      244    95.7       11     4.3
#> 21       0%        20      255   100.0        0     0.0
#> Completed: 
  result <- gl.filter.taglength(,lower=60)
#> Starting gl.filter.taglength 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Removing loci with taglength < 60 and > 69 
#> Completed: gl.filter.taglength 
#> Starting 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Reporting Tag Length
#>   No. of loci = 194 
#>   No. of individuals = 250 
#>     Minimum      :  63 
#>     1st quantile :  69 
#>     Median       :  69 
#>     Mean         :  68.75773 
#>     3r quantile  :  69 
#>     Maximum      :  69 
#>     Missing Rate Overall:  0.13 

#>    Quantile Threshold Retained Percent Filtered Percent
#> 1      100%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 2       95%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 3       90%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 4       85%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 5       80%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 6       75%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 7       70%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 8       65%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 9       60%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 10      55%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 11      50%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 12      45%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 13      40%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 14      35%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 15      30%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 16      25%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 17      20%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 18      15%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 19      10%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 20       5%        69      185    95.4        9     4.6
#> 21       0%        63      194   100.0        0     0.0
#> Completed: 
# Tag P/A data
#> Starting 
#>   Processing genlight object with Presence/Absence (SilicoDArT) data
#>   Reporting Tag Length
#>   No. of loci = 255 
#>   No. of individuals = 218 
#>     Minimum      :  29 
#>     1st quantile :  61 
#>     Median       :  69 
#>     Mean         :  63.6 
#>     3r quantile  :  69 
#>     Maximum      :  69 
#>     Missing Rate Overall:  0.04 

#>    Quantile Threshold Retained Percent Filtered Percent
#> 1      100%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 2       95%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 3       90%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 4       85%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 5       80%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 6       75%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 7       70%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 8       65%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 9       60%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 10      55%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 11      50%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 12      45%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 13      40%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 14      35%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 15      30%        69      180    70.6       75    29.4
#> 16      25%        61      192    75.3       63    24.7
#> 17      20%        57      207    81.2       48    18.8
#> 18      15%        53      217    85.1       38    14.9
#> 19      10%        46      232    91.0       23     9.0
#> 20       5%        40      245    96.1       10     3.9
#> 21       0%        29      255   100.0        0     0.0
#> Completed: 
  result <- gl.filter.taglength(,lower=60)
#> Starting gl.filter.taglength 
#>   Processing genlight object with Presence/Absence (SilicoDArT) data
#>   Removing loci with taglength < 60 and > 69 
#> Completed: gl.filter.taglength 
#> Starting 
#>   Processing genlight object with Presence/Absence (SilicoDArT) data
#>   Reporting Tag Length
#>   No. of loci = 196 
#>   No. of individuals = 218 
#>     Minimum      :  60 
#>     1st quantile :  69 
#>     Median       :  69 
#>     Mean         :  68.40306 
#>     3r quantile  :  69 
#>     Maximum      :  69 
#>     Missing Rate Overall:  0.04 

#>    Quantile Threshold Retained Percent Filtered Percent
#> 1      100%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 2       95%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 3       90%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 4       85%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 5       80%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 6       75%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 7       70%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 8       65%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 9       60%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 10      55%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 11      50%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 12      45%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 13      40%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 14      35%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 15      30%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 16      25%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 17      20%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 18      15%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 19      10%        69      180    91.8       16     8.2
#> 20       5%        62      188    95.9        8     4.1
#> 21       0%        60      196   100.0        0     0.0
#> Completed: 
  # }
  test <- gl.subsample.loci(, n =100)
#> Starting gl.subsample.loci 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Warning: data include loci that are scored NA across all individuals.
#>   Consider filtering using gl <- gl.filter.allna(gl)
#>   Warning: Dataset contains monomorphic loci which will be included in the gl.subsample.loci selections
#>   Subsampling at random 100 loci from genlight object 
#> Completed: gl.subsample.loci 
  res <-
#> Starting 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Reporting Tag Length
#>   No. of loci = 100 
#>   No. of individuals = 81 
#>     Minimum      :  37 
#>     1st quantile :  69 
#>     Median       :  69 
#>     Mean         :  67.48 
#>     3r quantile  :  69 
#>     Maximum      :  69 
#>     Missing Rate Overall:  0.06 

#>    Quantile Threshold Retained Percent Filtered Percent
#> 1      100%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 2       95%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 3       90%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 4       85%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 5       80%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 6       75%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 7       70%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 8       65%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 9       60%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 10      55%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 11      50%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 12      45%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 13      40%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 14      35%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 15      30%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 16      25%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 17      20%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 18      15%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 19      10%        69       93      93        7       7
#> 20       5%        49       96      96        4       4
#> 21       0%        37      100     100        0       0
#> Completed: 