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SNP datasets generated by DArT typically have sequence tag lengths ranging from 20 to 69 base pairs. This function reports summary statistics of the tag lengths.

  plot.out = TRUE,
  plot_theme = theme_dartR(),
  plot_colors = two_colors,
  save2tmp = FALSE,
  verbose = NULL



Name of the genlight object containing the SNP [required].


If TRUE, displays a plot to guide the decision on a filter threshold [default TRUE].


Theme for the plot. See Details for options [default theme_dartR()].


List of two color names for the borders and fill of the plots [default two_colors].


If TRUE, saves any ggplots and listings to the session temporary directory (tempdir) [default FALSE].


Verbosity: 0, silent or fatal errors; 1, begin and end; 2, progress log; 3, progress and results summary; 5, full report [default 2, unless specified using gl.set.verbosity]


Returns unaltered genlight object


The function gl.filter.taglength will filter out the loci with a tag length below a specified threshold.

Quantiles are partitions of a finite set of values into q subsets of (nearly) equal sizes. In this function q = 20. Quantiles are useful measures because they are less susceptible to long-tailed distributions and outliers.

Function's output

The minimum, maximum, mean and a tabulation of tag length quantiles against thresholds are provided. Output also includes a boxplot and a histogram to guide in the selection of a threshold for filtering on tag length.

Plots and table are saved to the temporal directory (tempdir) and can be accessed with the function gl.print.reports and listed with the function gl.list.reports. Note that they can be accessed only in the current R session because tempdir is cleared each time that the R session is closed.

Examples of other themes that can be used can be consulted in


Custodian: Arthur Georges -- Post to


out <-
#> Starting 
#>   Processing genlight object with SNP data
#>   Reporting Tag Length
#>   No. of loci = 255 
#>   No. of individuals = 250 
#>     Minimum      :  20 
#>     1st quantile :  63 
#>     Median       :  69 
#>     Mean         :  60.70196 
#>     3r quantile  :  69 
#>     Maximum      :  69 
#>     Missing Rate Overall:  0.12 

#>    Quantile Threshold Retained Percent Filtered Percent
#> 1      100%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 2       95%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 3       90%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 4       85%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 5       80%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 6       75%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 7       70%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 8       65%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 9       60%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 10      55%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 11      50%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 12      45%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 13      40%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 14      35%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 15      30%        69      185    72.5       70    27.5
#> 16      25%        63      194    76.1       61    23.9
#> 17      20%        46      207    81.2       48    18.8
#> 18      15%        37      217    85.1       38    14.9
#> 19      10%        30      230    90.2       25     9.8
#> 20       5%        26      244    95.7       11     4.3
#> 21       0%        20      255   100.0        0     0.0
#> Completed: 