4  Data Management, Reproducibility & Integrity

Session Presenter

Required packages


Reproducible research


Our goal is to make reproducible research, and data management and integrity are the necessary steps to achieve this goal

Have you ever had problems reproducing your own or someone else’s research?

Have you ever had problems reproducing your own or someone else’s research?

Things to consider when it comes to research

We will go through some of the practical steps for reproducible research:

Quarto for Reproducibility

Meet Quarto

Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see https://quarto.org.

Meet the penguins

Illustration of three species of Palmer Archipelago penguins: Chinstrap, Gentoo, and Adelie. Artwork by @allison_horst.

The penguins data from the palmerpenguins package contains size measurements for {r} nrow(penguins) penguins from three species observed on three islands in the Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica.

The plot below shows the relationship between flipper and bill lengths of these penguins.

Quarto file


Download an example quarto file and try running it on your own.

Further Study

Check out the information life cycle https://data.uq.edu.au/data-essentials/information-lifecycle

Check out the push for open research, research that is reproducible and accessible https://www.repro4everyone.org/

Meta data:

How to write metadata?​

Stanford Libraries – Create metadata for your research project

The Carpentries Incubator – Introduction to metadata ​

ARDC – Metadata guide

Data Planning


